Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Cabaret Performance.

Here are some quality snaps of the performance on Tuesday. It went pretty well even though the pressure of going first and having not rehearsed was pretty bad.
Sam and Lucy's masks were particularly brilliant, they seemed to go down well with the people.
I'm so glad that we saw the most fun idea through until the end, it was definitely worth the hassle.
Everybody seemed to respond well and have a laugh, so job done.
Plus video will hopefully be up soon.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Poster Design.

This is what I've made for the poster. I know making for the performance should go first, but it'll work out.
I made a miniture sitcom set that was really bright and kitch, so I could use the photo as the poster.

Group working towards our sweet sitcom.

Lots of progress is being made and we're all working together well. Hopefully everything is going to be ready for Tuesday, mainly because we've just realised how close it is until showtime.
Getting the idea down was really important, instead of running around not knowing what we're doing.

We collectively planned all the elements for the sitcom, but then we assigned jobs to get everything made as quickly as humanly possible.
Hopefully it's all going to come together with out us looking too foolish.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Project Inspiration and research.

For project inspiration I've been watching episodes of some classic sitcoms to refresh my memory. 'Happy Days' probably being the top selection. Look how happy they all are.
These posters would be useful for potential advertisements for the performance.

Visual associations research and project planning.

Before the character workshop I collected some visual research for the 5 important words we extracted from the text. It was a useful way of gathering source material and start planning for the performance.

Also some sketches for set design ideas. As we don't have time on our side, we're aiming to make the set as basic as we can, so we don't get bogged down by how final it looks. This would mean that we can spend time getting the main part of the performance (the acting) developed well.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

'Cabaret' Project. Character and story boarding workshops.

For Rob's workshop the group had to generate different character aspects (possessions, places, appearance, etc), for character development and to build the tone for the story. It went pretty well and was useful to see rough visual plans.

For Anne's workshop we had to create a short story and storyboard for a character, which would then be interpreted by the next group, then storyboarded the group after. Ours didn't work too well, probably because it was virtually impossible to understand. But some interesting results were produced and fun was had by all.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

10/10 Chosen Images.

Houston Street Mural.
This image is from a commisioned project that artists Barry McGee and Josh Lazcano were involved with recently in New York. They covered the huge wall with hundreds of red tags over one night, making the point that graffiti is still art.